Reston is a small village of about 200 houses situated in the Eastern Borders area of Scotland; ten miles north of Berwick-upon-Tweed and 47 miles south of Edinburgh it is only a few hundred yards from the main A1 Newcastle to Edinburgh trunk road. Duns the former county town of Berwickshire is some 11 miles west.
Auchencrow is a small village in the Scottish Borders area of Scotland, by the Lammermuir range of hills, and to the near by village of Reston. Auchencrow works together with Reston to create Reston & Auchencrow Community Council.
Auchencrow, a village in the Coldingham parish, Berwickshire, 2 miles WSW of Reston station, and 3 miles NNW of Chirnside.
Our website has the latest news and events for Reston, Auchencrow & neighboring Community Councils.
Check out the events page for posters and more information.
See the community benefit page
Reston and Auchencrow community council in partnership with Foundation Scotland and Greencoat UK Wind, R.E.S. and S.B.C.
Reston and Auchncrow Community Larder
The Reston and Auchencrow Community Larder is owned and operated by the Community Council Resilient Group.
The Larder opening times are-Mon, Tues, Wed and Saturday, 11 am until 1 pm.
The 'Community Larder has been operating for OVER FOUR years now and has proven to be highly successful. Due to its success and both the present need and future aspirations for the communities we plan to keep it going for as long as it is supported.
We have signed up to get weekly donations through the 'Fareshare' scheme. We thank you for your generosity for such a worthwhile cause.
So please use it, it is for All.
last updated - 03/02/2025
News and Information site for Reston & Auchencrow
Reston and Auchencrow holds its monthly meetings in Reston Village Hall every third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM, except August and December. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Community council next meeting
Monday 20th January 2025.
Flag Flying dates

If you would like us to fly a flag of your choosing, we will consider upon you supplying the flag. -contact us-
From end of September there will be no flags flying due to winter weather.
We will fly the Saltire 31st-1st-2nd January for New Year and again for Burns Night 24th-25th-26th January.
March we only fly Welsh flag for St. David’s day 1st-2nd-3rd... Then on 16th-17th -18th we fly the Irish flag for St Patrick's Day. In November we will fly the Saltire for St Andrew's Day, 29th,30th and 1st December.
Apart from those days no other flag flies until End of March, that’s when we get back to Monthly National flags flying.
April will be the union flag then on 22nd-23rd-24th April we fly St Georges English flag. Normal Flying after that.
Carol Singing at the Craw Inn this coming Friday the 20th. See events page for poster.
A Special Coffee Morning/Lunch on the 13th December, see poster on events page.
Village Hall calendar updated with this months bookings.
Events page updated to advertise the ever popular Wine Tasting.
Village Hall booking page updated showing current calendar of bookings.
Events page updated with Auchencrow Fruit pressing this coming Sunday. See poster on Events page.
Village hall minutes added for September.
Community council minutes added for September.
Village hall page updated with September calendar.
Events page updated with Duck Race poster/Treasure Hunt and Harvest Show booklet.
General updates to community council pages, Events page, Riverside page and Village hall pages.
Events page updated and technical fault fixed for community council minutes.
Happy New Year! to All.
First thing to note, was the vast and colourful display of Christmas lights that was up during the festivities. Some pictures taken are on the Gallery page.
Reston Cafe is back, first one this year, on Friday 26th January. See the poster on the Events page.
Events page.
A lots been happening, Scarecrow competition, Reston Cafe coffee morning and upcoming Wine Tasting. See the page.
Events page.
Loads to catch up on, with upcoming events, check out the posters on the page.
Reston Riverside page. With an important update.
Events page, Time for some updates, check out the page, also check out the Gallery page on past events.
Loads coming with the annual Duck Race on the 13th August.
Events page, see poster for Wine Tasting night.
Another event added to the Events page, check it out.
Reston Cafe, this coming Friday the 26th.
Major updates and changes to website, please see all pages for changes.
Litter pick update, see events page.
Two new events coming up.
Reston annual Litter Pick. see events page for details.
Also, did you know we have three defibrillators in the communities. Come along on the 3rd April to get an introduction on how to use them. Poster on events page.
Apologies for the late updates. There is plenty planned for this year, so check out the Events page and see what's happening.
Railway station
Check out the page for the most recent questions and answers from the ScotRail manager.