The Resilient Group of both Reston and Auchencrow, latest news release.
BCSP Berwickshire Community Safety Panel, representing the people of Berwickshire in all matters of safety. This panel made up from community councillors, Police, Fire service and members from Berwickshire Housing Association. We hold bi-monthly meetings to discuss matters of safety pertaining to the communities. We have supplied local organisations, schools and groups with Hi-Vis vests, carbon monoxide alarms, Personal attack alarms and safeguarding literature on scams, Fire prevention Cold Callers.
If you would like more information on the panel or you have a concern on matters of safety, you can contact them here through their Facebook page. you can also contact them through the contact page on the home page of this site.
Working together with:
Scottish Borders Council
Police Scotland
Scottish Fire and Rescue
Mountain Rescue
NHS Borders
Resilient Communities
The initiative helps communities develop expertise and put in place Resilient Community Plans which will make them better prepared to cope with emergencies, in a way which compliments the response of emergency responders. See an example of a Resilient Community plan.
These plans are implemented by Resilient Community Teams - groups of volunteers who have joined together in local areas to assist in emergency situations.
Scottish Borders Council provide assistance with set up, the development of plans, appropriate insurance cover, basic manual equipment (such as snow shovels, square shovels, safety equipment etc). First aid training is also provided free of charge by the British Red Cross.
If you would like more information about the initiative please contact the Emergency Planning team online or by calling 0300 100 1800.
The Scottish Government now has a Face Book page on Resilince and weather updates, this can be found here-
What are the benefits of Resilient Communities?
Local community councils and individuals who are prepared and able to respond effectively can deal with local issues such as:
Clearing snow from pathways of people who are unable to do it themselves
Placing sandbags in risk areas to prevent flooding
Placing domestic flood gates into position
Delivering supplies during severe weather to those most in need
Providing hot meals within community centres/village halls
Reston and Auchencrow have over 20 members signed up to their Resilient Plan. We have equipment to deal with snow and flooding. We are always looking for additional members to assist our community, please get in touch.

Scottish Borders Alert
Scottish Borders Alert (SBAlert) Community Messaging System
SB Alert is an online, secure, two-way community messaging system that allows authorised administrators to send dynamic and up-to-date messages to Resilient Communities groups, Neighbourhood Watches and other interested members of the community.
The system is designed to put you in touch with the people and services that matter to you.Messages are sent by email, telephone or text message by a range of approved information providers including Scottish Borders Council (SBC), Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, and NHS Borders.
You will receive alerts about severe weather, crime and community safety issues in your area (e.g. bogus callers, metal or farm thefts). The SBAlert system enables public sector agencies to work with the Resilient Communities groups and others in a new, efficient and secure manner.
Below is some useful web links.
Traffic Scotland, showing road cameras in Scotland.
Trunk Road Gritters showing Gritter tracking.